
Fusion Antibodies make key Covid-19 Reagents available

As part of our efforts to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, Fusion Antibodies have designed and expressed a panel of unique recombinant protein antigens for use in our new Fully Human Antibody Library platform and other discovery platforms in the search for a neutralising therapeutic antibody against SARS-CoV 2.  ​

The panel of proteins incorporate a unique RBD construct, as well as S1 and full spike ectodomain proteins incorporating the D614G mutation, and have shown excellent profiles in terms of activity and scalability.  ​

We are conscious that the fight against Covid-19 is a worldwide effort and as such we are happy to announce our decision to make these proteins available to our partners in the diagnostic field. 

Studies prove antigens created by Fusion Antibodies accurately identify SARS-CoV-2

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Draft Certificate of Analysis Documents for our S1 and RBD Proteins. Both documents reflect early stages of product development.